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High School Earns Gold Status on AP Honor Roll

High School Earns Gold Status on AP Honor Roll

Seaford High School has once again earned a spot on the College Board’s AP School Honor Roll. The distinction, for the 2023-24 school year, recognizes participation by students in Advanced Placement courses and their success of the exams. 

The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools that have done outstanding work to welcome more students into college-level courses and support them on the path to college success. Seaford High School offers 23 AP courses in art, computer science, English, math, music, science, social studies and world languages. 

Seaford was among 1,040 schools nationwide to earn gold recognition status. In the graduating Class of 2024, 75% of students took at least one AP course in high school, and 53% earned college credit by achieving a score of 3 of higher on at least one AP exam.