- Seaford Harbor School
- Curriculum
Please take the time to read this over. It briefly outlines the course of study we will follow this year in different subject areas.
READING/ WRITING:- Reading Workshop:
–Unit 1 – Interpreting Characters
–Unit 2 – Purposeful Reading of Non-fiction
–Unit 3 – Reading History
–Unit 4 – Historical Fiction Clubs
- Writing Workshop:
–Unit 1 – Realistic Fiction
–Unit 2 – Personal and Persuasive Essays
–Unit 3 – Brining History to Life
–Unit 4 – Literary Essay
MATHEMATICS:- Place Value and Operations with Whole Numbers
–Place Value, Addition & Subtraction
–Multiply by 1-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers
–Divide by 1-Digit Numbers
–Factors, Multiples and Patterns
- Fractions and Decimals
–Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
-Add & Subtract Fractions
-Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
–Relate Fraction and Decimals
- Measurement & Geometry
–2D Figures
–Perimeter and Area
- Soils, Rocks and Landforms
- Energy
- Electromagnetism
- Living Systems
SOCIAL STUDIES:- Putnam / Northern Westchester BOCES:
-Introduction: Map Skills/Geograpy
–Unit 1: The Three Worlds: Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans Meet in NYS
–Unit 2: The Impact of the Colonial & Revolutionary Periods on NY and the New Nation
–Unit 3: Local & State Government in NYS
-Unit 4: Change Comes to New York
-Current Events – “Scholastic News”
- Lions Quest
Focus on encouraging the content of their character
These skills will be evaluated in all subject areas through discussions and oral reports.
SOCIAL SKILLS:The children will relate positively to their peers and to adults.
One basic rule— “THE GOLDEN RULE” ---Do to others as you would have them do to you.Extra Help:
I will be giving extra help on Tuesday mornings at 8:20 - 8:50am. Please make sure to complete the Extra Help pass and send it in with your child in a timely manner. Thank you! If needed, you may download the Extra Help Pass from the Harbor homepage.