• Bienv  
     ¡Hola - Me llamo Sra. Levy-Roberts and welcome to my website!  I teach Español 7 and Español 8 at Seaford Middle School.  Here are some tips to be successful in Spanish class - 
    *For Spanish 8 students - In order to receive one credit for high school, all students have to pass the course and the FLACS exam.  Spanish class should be taken seriously and studying the material daily will make a difference in your child's overall performance in the class.  Each student is graded four different ways - speaking, reading, writing, and listening.
    *For Spanish 7 students - This is your first experience learning a language at the middle school.  Have fun as you learn grammar and culture and enjoy the journey!  It is ok to make mistakes as you go, no one is perfect!  You will learn Spanish through speaking, writing, reading, and listening activities.  Time management is a must when learning a language.  The more you practice the topics that you learn in class, the more you will hopefully understand.  Also take advantage of using Quizlet.com and Duolingo.com, two great websites - to help you practice your Spanish skills.
                                                           ALL STUDENTS SHOULD:
     *Come to class prepared - with a binder or notebook specifically for Spanish, a folder, a Spanish-English dictionary, and a blue or black pen.
    *Copy your notes from the board carefully and review them when you get home.  Don't forget to do your homework!
    *Use an online resource like Quizlet.com to help you review the vocabulary from class.  
    *Come to self-help if you have questions.  
    *Don't wait until the last minute to study for a quiz or test.  
    Any other questions or concerns?  Contact me at mlevyroberts@seaford.k12.ny.us