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Social Emotional Learning

As a team of teachers, support staff, administrators, and the community, the social and emotional well-being of students is intertwined into daily life at Seaford’s schools. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process of skill development through which students learn how to manage emotions, problem solve and create positive relationships with others. As students are learning SEL skills integrated throughout curriculum and instruction, they are encouraged to connect with and experience their own emotions. 

Across elementary and secondary levels in the district, students are offered both push-in and pull-out sessions to expand SEL skills from our support staff.   During these instructional sessions, students’ emotional toolkits are continually filled with knowledge, and even some actual tools, that promote self-care.  For example, students have created breathing sticks from pipe cleaners and colorful beads, which they learned they can move along their stick as they do different breathing exercises. By moving one bead at a time as they take a breath, this tool can help them relax and focus.  Additional visits from our psychologists and social workers introduce students to various skills and strategies that help them recognize and manage their emotions.

To actively engage in SEL, all students are first introduced to the Profile of a Seaford Scholar, with the objective of empowering students to be both leaders and learners.  Our approach to SEL is guided by the tenets of all Seaford Scholars:

·      Principled

·      Mindful

·      Networkers

·      Humorous

·      Resilient

·      Reflective

·      Innovators

·      Risk Takers

·      Flexible

·      Communicators

Particular programs and frameworks are implemented throughout student experiences and across grades to support each student’s growth as a Seaford Scholar include Lion’s Quest, RULER, Habits of Mind, and Innovator’s Mindset.