Concussion Information
WRITTEN clearance from your physician is REQUIRED
for return to sports or P.E.
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or to your body. It can range from mild to severe and can disrupt the way your brain normally works. It can happen even if you are not “knocked out” or lose consciousness. Even a “ding” or having your “bell rung” can be a serious injury.
Signs and symptoms can show up right after the injury, or can take days or weeks to appear.
If you have signs or symptoms of a concussion, seek medical attention right away.
What are the signs & symptoms?
- Nausea or vomiting
- Blurred or double vision
- Dizziness or loss of balance
- Confused or distracted
- Difficulty speaking
- Drowsiness or fatigue
- Headache
- Tinnitus or ringing in your ears
- Cognitive problems
- Memory difficulty
- Restlessness, irritability or sadness
- Any changes in usual personality
- Slowness responding to questions or directions
- Unable to concentrate
- Sensitive to noises
- Sensitive to light
- Difference in pupil size
- Blank or vacant stare or expression
- Feeling “foggy” or sluggish
- Loss of consciousness
How should you care for a head injury?
Follow your physician’s directions.
DO NOT return to play until cleared.
Rest (limit both physical & mental activity)
Be honest about your symptoms.
DO NOT hide your symptoms
If your physician lets you, use acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain.
You can return to sports when….
- You are completely symptom free.
- You have completed cognitive and functional testing with the certified athletic trainer.
- You have submitted your doctor’s clearance note to the school nurse.
- You have completed a return-to-play protocol for your sport
- The District Physician has provided final clearance to the athletic trainer.
What are the risks?
Athletes who return to sports to early – while the brain is still healing – are at a greater risk for a more severe second concussion.
Second, or later, concussions can cause serious brain damage that may last a lifetime.
This information is not intended to be, and should not be used as a substitute for appropriate medical care. Consult your physician if your condition worsens or fails to improve despite treatment.
Parental Guide for Head Injuries –Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
This guide will provide you with signs and symptoms to be aware of if you or someone you are observing sustains significant head trauma. The individual should be observed for 24-48 hours after the incident to rule out internal head injury. Those with loss of consciousness or amnesia should be seen by a physician immediately. However, some signs may gradually appear including the following:
- Increasingly severe headaches and sleepiness. The patient may sleep but should be checked every hour throughout the night. If individual awakens slower than usual or not at all, seek medical attention immediately.
- Nausea and repeated forceful vomiting.
- Numbness of an arm or leg.
- Poor coordination or balance.
- Dizziness.
- Ringing in the ears.
- Double or blurry vision or unequal pupil size.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Sudden change in thinking or personality (aggressive behavior or giddiness).
- Blood or clear drainage from the nose or ears.
- Seizures.
If any of the above signs develop, the individual should be seen by a physician or taken to the emergency room IMMEDIATELY. Below are precautionary measures to be used before the signs or symptoms are conclusive.
- Use of Acetaminophen ( Tylenol )
- No alcohol
- No spicy foods
- Eat a light diet
- No use of any electronic devices (TV, computer, cell phone, etc.)
- Avoid operating a motor vehicle.