Click here for a printable version of the letter below.
Dear Seaford Community:
Over the last week, there has been a great deal of public discussion regarding the recent emergency ruling initiated by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) concerning regionalization plans that would impact school districts throughout New York State. Please see the attached letter from the Seaford Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools to NYSED opposing these Emergency Rule on Regionalization mandates and supporting a newly introduced bill entitled “Our Schools, Our Rules Act.” Also, click here to view a letter authored by the Coalition of School Board Members (the “Coalition”) and co-signed by the Seaford School District to raise awareness state-wide.
The public comment period for the NYSED emergency rule and proposed permanent regulation is open through November 24, 2024. This is the public’s only opportunity to express any opposition to this state-wide mandate; otherwise, the emergency rule may become a permanent legally binding rule by January 2025.
To send your own letter in opposition, you may wish to utilize an easy and quick template form created by the Coalition. Upon entering your personal information, an opposition letter will be created and emailed to NYSED.
Should you wish to author your own letter, please email it to by November 24.
To read the Emergency Rule on Regionalization as published in the September 2024 NY Register at p. 6-10, click here:
To read the Proposed Rule on District [BOCES] Superintendents in connection with the Emergency Rule on Regionalization as published in the October NY Register at p. 5-7, click here:
As always, we thank you for your attention to this matter and for your unwavering support of the Seaford School District.
Yours in Seaford Pride,
Seaford Board of Education
Lisa A. Herbert
Trisha Matulewicz
Jimmy Chwe
Heather Umhafer
Melissa Whidden
Superintendent of Schools
Adele V. Pecora, Ed.D.