Device Agreement

  • Seaford School District

    Device Agreement 


    Student Pledge for Device Use 

    1. I will only use my device for education purposes.
    2. I will login using my school issued User ID and password, and that I will never share my password with anyone else.
    3. I will neither alter nor attempt to change, disable, or circumvent the management settings, content filters, or virus protection software on my device.  
    4. I will not attempt to install or download software that is not approved by administration or teachers.
    5. I will take good care of my device and understand that I will have the same device each year.  
    6. I will never leave my device unattended in an unsecured or unsupervised location.  
    7. I will never loan my device to other individuals.
    8. I will store my device in a safe place, such as my locker, when not in use (ex. Lunch or PE class).
    9. I will charge my device’s battery to full capacity each night.
    10. I will keep food and beverages away from my device since they may cause damage to the device.  
    11. I will not disassemble any part of my device or attempt any repairs. 
    12. I will promptly report any issues with the device to my teacher.   
    13. I will protect my device by never removing it from its protective casing. 
    14. I will not decorate (stickers, adhesives, drawings) or write on the device or its protective casing. 
    15. I understand that the device is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of the Seaford School District. 
    16. I agree to abide by the policies and procedures related to my device and its use, a copy of which are attached hereto.
    17. I agree to return the device to the district upon graduation, enrollment termination or withdrawal from the district. 
    18. I will accurately represent myself at all times while keeping further personal information such as my address or phone number private.
    19. I will execute and be bound by the District’s acceptable use policy.