1st & 2nd Vice President
The vice presidents may be called upon at any time to assume temporarily the place of the president and do the following:
- Preside at meetings in the absence of the president or upon the president's inability to serve.
- Assume the duties of the president in the event of the president's resignation until the position is filled in accordance with the bylaws.
- Acts as aide to the president and assumes responsibility for duties assigned by the president.
- Performs any other specific duties that may be provided for in the bylaws or procedures/standing rules.
- Represents the president upon request
1st Vice President
Coordinates the work of the chairmen, ensuring they have a Plan of Work with goals, for the following committees and reports back to the president and the executive committee:
- Membership
- Social events
- Newsletter
- Audit
- Public relations
- Budget & Finace
2nd Vice President
Coordinates the work of the chairmen, ensuring they have a Plan of Work with goals, for the following committees and reports back to the president and the executive committee:
- Hospitality
- Fundraising
- Kindergarten special education screening
- Nominating committee
- CDP dance
- Bylaws (when due)
The treasurer is the authorized custodian of the funds of the association and receives and disburses all money as prescribed.
The treasurer:
- Maintains the checkbook and cancelled checks
- Reconciles bank statements with cancelled checks
- Follows up on any returned checks from deposits
- Follows up on any outstanding/un-cashed checks
- Provides a written treasurer's report at regular meetings of the association
- Pay NYS PTA membership dues when required
- Deposits all funds received in a timely manner
- Ensures that committees do not spend more than the monies allocated to them
- Receives a "Request for Reimbursement" form, with corresponding receipts, from committees before issuing a check for expenses
- Pays the insurance premium to the NYS PTA by June 1 st
- Delivers insurance card to Central Office
- Contacts each building principal and Director of Special Education, in May, for names of students who will receive SEPTA Achievement Awards and ensures that the principal's receive the checks in time for the awards ceremonies
- Acts as chairperson for the audit committee
- Keeper of the SEPTA tax identification number
- Keeper of tax exempt forms, ST119, for committee purchases
Recording Secretary
The secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceedings of the association and does the following:
- Records all business transacted at meetings of the association, executive board, and executive committee and presents minutes for approval at the next meeting of that governing body.
- Circulates an attendance sheet at general meetings
- Has on hand for reference at each meeting a copy of the:
- Approved bylaws and procedures
- Agenda
- Minutes of the previous meetings, including the treasurer's reports and any hand-outs provided
- A list of unfinished business
- A list of committees, chairmen, and members
- Maintains attendance sheets with the minutes of each meeting
- In consultation with and at the request of the president, assists in the preparation of a meeting agenda
- Reads and/or distributes printed copies of the minutes of any previous meeting for approval, if not waived
- Counts a rising (standing) vote when requested by the presiding officer
- Acts as custodian of all records, except those specifically assigned to others, and promptly delivers all records to successor.
Corresponding Secretary
The corresponding secretary:
- Conducts the correspondence of the association, such as sending thank you notes to speakers etc
- Picks up the mail from the SEPTA mailboxes at each of the four buildings
- Reads any correspondence received at the general meetings
- Acts as "Sunshine" person, such as sending sympathy cards, purchasing gifts for special ed office at holidays (such as fruit and cookies), etc
- Notifies officers, committee members and delegates of their election and promptly sends to the appropriate PTA administrative office the names and addresses of the newly elected officers and those serving a second term
District Coordinators - Harbor, Manor, & PTSA
The district coordinators are responsible for the following:
- Report on SEPTA business and upcoming meetings at the Harbor PTA, Manor PTA and/or PTSA meetings. If circumstances prevent you from attending those meetings, you provide the respective PTA presidents with the information.
- Participate with the other PTA District Coordinators in setting up and cleaning up the PTA Board Installation ceremony in June.
- If there are more candidates for Board of Education positions than there are positions available, the PTSA District Coordinators may be asked to help with the "Meet the Candidates" night. This usually entails distributing and receiving index cards for questions.
The membership person is responsible to:
- Develops a Plan of Work with goals on how to promote membership
- Maintain an accurate record of PTA memberships as received
- Promptly provides the treasurer with all monies received from membership to be deposited
- Reminds treasurer when monies are due to NYS PTA
- Reports on membership at regular meetings of the association